本通知描述如何使用和披露您的医疗信息,以及您如何获得这些信息. 请仔细查看此信息. 本通知适用于im体育app下载以及在该医院执业的医生和其他医疗保健提供者. This notice also applies to Affiliated entities, 有组织的保健安排(ohca), 共用我们的设施. These entities are Peach Tree Inpatient Consulting, Raleigh 放射学, Inc., Team Health Emergency Medicine, Path Group, and MedStream Anesthesia. Information is shared with these entities for treatment, payment, and operations related to the OHCA..
It is our legal duty to protect the privacy and security of your information. 如果发生可能危及您信息隐私或安全的违规行为,我们将及时通知您. We are providing this notice so that we can explain our privacy practices. 我们必须遵守本通知或当前有效通知中所述的责任和隐私惯例. For more information about our privacy practices, to place a complaint or report a concern or conflict, 拨打以下号码:
(304) 256-4488
Or, 如果你想匿名的话, you may call the toll-free number listed below and an attendant will handle your concern anonymously. 1-877-508- life (5433)
如果您认为我们没有妥善处理您的投诉,您也可以向美国卫生与公众服务部发送书面投诉. You can use the contact listed above to provide you with the appropriate address or visit http://www.美国卫生和公众Services部.gov/ocr/privacy/hipaa/ 理解/消费者/ noticepp.html. Under no circumstance will you be retaliated against for filing a complaint. We reserve the right to change our policies and notice of privacy practices at any time. If we should make a significant change in our policies, we will change this notice and post the new notice. You can also request a copy of our notice at any time.
We may use health information about you for your treatment purposes, 获得付款, or for healthcare operations and other administrative purposes. 如果我们需要将您的医疗记录信息发送或分享给正在治疗您的专业人员,我们可能会在治疗情况下使用您的信息. 例如, a doctor treating you for an injury asks another doctor about your overall health condition. 我们可以使用和共享您的健康信息,以便从健康计划或其他实体收取账单和付款. We will give your information to your health insurance plan such as Medicare, Medicaid or other health insurance plans so it will pay for your services. 您的信息将用于处理您的医疗记录的完整性,并用于比较患者数据,作为我们不断改进治疗方法的一部分. 我们可能会将您的信息披露给与我们签订合同以代表您提供需要使用您的健康信息的服务的商业伙伴. We can use and share your health information to run our practice, improve your care and contact you when necessary. 我们可能会联系您或向我们的合作伙伴或相关基金会披露您的某些健康信息,以用于筹款目的. You have the right to opt out of receiving such fundraising communications. We may share certain information with a person(s) you identify as a family member, 相对, friend or other person that is directly involved in your care or payment for your care, 或向您的“非专业护理人员”或指定的个人代表(如果您告诉我们这些人是谁)发送. 如果必要的话, we will notify these individuals about your location, 一般情况或死亡. 除了, 我们可能需要向协助救灾工作的实体披露您的医疗信息,以便通知您的家人您的病情, 状态和位置. If you have a clear preference for how we share your information, talk to us. Tell us what you want us to do, and we will follow your instructions. If you are not able to tell us your preference, 例如,如果你是无意识的, we may also share your information if we believe it is in your best interest. 我们也可能在需要时分享您的信息,以减轻对健康或安全的严重和迫在眉睫的威胁.
在某些情况下, we may be required to disclose your health information without your specific authorization. Examples of these disclosures are: requirements by state and federal laws to report cases of abuse, 忽视, or other reasons requiring law enforcement; for public health activities; to health oversight agencies; for judicial and administrative proceedings; for death and funeral arrangements; for organ donation; for special government functions including military and veteran requests and to prevent serious threats to health or public safety such as preventing disease, 协助产品召回, and reporting adverse reactions to medications. 我们也可能在您本次就诊后与您联系,以提醒您未来的预约,或为您提供有关治疗方案或其他可能对您有益的健康相关服务的信息. We will obtain your written authorization for any other disclosures beyond the reasons listed above. 还记得, if you do authorize us to release your information, you always have the right to revoke that authorization later. We will be happy to honor that request unless we may have already acted.
As a patient, you have rights regarding how your information can be used and disclosed. These rights include access to your health information. In most cases, you have the right to look at or receive a copy of your health information. 这可能需要长达30天的准备时间, and there may be a preparation fee associated with making any copies. You can ask for an accounting of disclosures. This is a list of instances in which we have disclosed your information for reasons other than treatment, 您未特别授权但法律要求我们进行的付款和操作(请参阅有关如何使用和披露您的信息的章节). We can provide you one list per year without charge; all additional requests in the same year will be subject to a nominal charge. 如果您认为我们掌握的有关您的信息不正确或缺少重要信息, you have the right to request that we amend or correct your paper or electronic medical records. 可能由于某些原因,我们不能接受您提交不同意声明的请求. 您还可以要求我们将您的健康信息发送到与您注册时收到的位置或地址不同的其他位置或地址. 如果你预付了全部服务费, you can ask that we not disclose information about your treatment to your health plan. 最后, 您可以书面要求我们不因本通知中所述的任何原因使用或披露您的信息,但涉及您的护理人员除外, or when required by law or in emergency situations. We are not legally required to accept such a request, but we will try to honor any reasonable requests.
Lastly, a note about patient portals and health information exchanges (HIE):
病人门户: The 病人门户 is a mechanism by which you, 或您的授权代表, can access your health information online after your care and treatment. 这些信息将包括, 但不限于, 执行的程序, 当前或过去的医疗问题列表, 放电指示, 病史, 还有实验结果. 病人, 或其授权代表, are only provided access to their own health information, and no other individual may access such a patient’s health information via the 病人门户. If you do not want your medical information to be placed in the patient portal, you can opt out by submitting the opt out form. It will take five business days for the opt out to go into effect.
健康信息交换:作为我们参与健康信息交换或网络的一部分,我们可能会使用或共享您的健康信息. These are organizations with other healthcare providers, 保险公司, and/or health care industry participants and their subcontractors. We may share your health information with a Health Information Exchange or Network and its participants to accomplish goals that may include but not limited to: Providing you with treatment; billing for services provided to you; running their or our organization; complying with the law; and, 法律和管理健康信息交流或网络的协议和规则可能允许的目的. 根据州法规, 我们将向您提供有关我们参与的每次健康信息交流的健康信息实践通知. 《im体育app下载》是独立于本《IM体育》文件之外的, and is managed by the administrator of each such Health Information Exchange. 您将被要求以您的签名确认您已收到健康信息实践通知. Currently, this facility/practice participates in the following Health Information Exchanges:
- Administrator: West Virginia Health Information Network, Inc.
- 参与者:在西弗吉尼亚州获得执业许可的医院和医疗保健提供者